Guidelines on preparation and presentation of annual Balance sheet
1. Preparation and presentation of Balance sheet of enterprises meeting the assumption of continuous operation.
Purposes of the Balance sheet
The Balance sheet is a combined financial statements, recording generally all value of the current assets and sources that set up assets of enterprises at a certain time. Figures on the balance sheet show the full value of current assets of enterprises according to the structure of assets and of capital setting up such assets. Based on the Balance Sheet, the financial situation of enterprises may be considered, assessed generally.
Principles of preparation and presentation of the Balance Sheet
Under the provisions of Accounting Standards, "Presentation of financial statements" when the balance sheet is prepared and presented, the general principles of preparation and presentation of financial statements must be complied with. Also, on the balance sheet, the assets and liabilities should be presented separately as short-term and long-term, depending on the duration of the normal operating cycle of enterprises, namely as follows:
a) For enterprises with normal operating cycle within 12 months, the assets and liabilities are classified as short-term and long-term according to the following principles:
- Assets and liabilities are recovered or paid within 12 months from the time the balance sheet is classified as short-term;
- Assets and liabilities are recovered or paid for 12 months or more from the time the balance sheet date are classified as long-term.
b) For enterprises with normal operating cycle longer than 12 months, assets and liabilities are classified as short-term and long-term according to the following principles:
- Assets and liabilities are recovered or paid within a normal operating cycle are classified as short-term;
- Assets and liabilities are recovered or paid in a time that is longer than a normal operating cycle are classified as long-term.
In this case, enterprises must clearly explain the characteristics to determine the normal operating cycle, the average duration of a normal operating cycle, the evidence of the production and trading cycle of enterprises as well as of operation sectors of enterprises.
c) For enterprises which due to the nature of operations cannot rely on the operating cycle to distinguish between short term and long term, the assets and liabilities are presented under decreasing liquidity.
When preparing the combined balance sheet between the superior unit and subordinate unit which have no legal status, the superior unit must eliminate all balances of items arising from the internal transactions, such as amounts receivable and payable, internal loans...between the superior unit and the subordinate unit, among the subordinate units.
The technique of elimination internal items in summarizing Reports between superior units and dependent cost-accounting subordinate units is similar to the technique of consolidated financial statements.
Items without figures are exempted from presentation on the Balance sheet. Enterprises actively re-number of the items under the continuity principle in each section.
Basis for preparation of the Balance Sheet
- Based on the general accounting books;
- Based on detailed accounting books, cards on detailed summary sheet;
- Based on the balance sheet of previous accounting year (to present the first column).
Content and methods of setting up items in balance sheet of enterprises to meet the assumption of continuous operation (Form B01-DN)
a) Short-term assets (Code 100)
Short-term assets records the total value of cash, cash equivalents and other short-term assets that can be converted into cash, can be sold or used within 12 months or a normal operating cycle of enterprises at the time of the report, including: cash, cash equivalents, short-term financial investments, short-term receivables, inventories and other short-term assets.
Code 100 = Code 110 + code 120 + Code 130 + code 140 + code 150.
- Cash and cash equivalents (Code 110)
They are general items to record the total current cash and cash equivalents of enterprises at the time of reporting, including: cash in hand, deposits (demand deposits), cash in transit and the cash equivalents of enterprises. Code 110 = code 111 + Code112.
Cash (Code 111)
It is a general item to record the total current cash of enterprises at the time of reporting, including: cash in hand, demand deposits and cash in transit. Figures recorded in item ―Cash‖ are the total debit balance of account 111 ―Cash‖, 112 ― deposits‖ and 113 ― Cash in transit‖
Cash equivalents (Code 112)
This item records the short-term investments with maturity less than 3 months from the date investment can be converted easily into a certain amount of cash and there is no risk in conversion into cash at the time of reporting.
Figures recorded in this item shall mainly base on the detailed debit balance of account details Debt 1281 "term deposits" (details of deposits with maturity of 3 months) and accounts 1288 " Other investments held to maturity "(details of eligible items classified as cash equivalents). In addition, the reporting process, if the items recorded in other accounts are found to meet the definition of cash equivalents, accountants shall be permitted to present in this item. Cash equivalents may include: Bank exchange bills, treasury bills, bank deposits with an original maturity of 3 months ...
These amounts previously classified as cash equivalents but unrecovered over maturity are presented in other items in accordance with the contents of each item.
When analyzing the financial indicators, in addition to the cash equivalents presented in this item, accountants can consider cash equivalents including amounts with the remaining maturity of less than 3 months from the date of the report (but with an original maturity of more than 3 months) which can be converted easily into a certain amount and there is no risk of conversion into cash.
- Short-term financial investments (Code 120)
It is a general item records the total value of short-term investments (after deduction of provision for decrease in value of trading securities ), including: Securities held for trading purposes, investments held-to-maturity and other investments with the remaining term within 12 months from the time of reporting.
Short-term investments recorded in this item excluding short-term investments presented in the item "cash equivalents" and item "receivables from short-term loans".
Code 120 = Code 121 + code 122 + Code 123.
Trading securities (Code 121)
This item records the value of securities and other financial instruments held for trading purposes at the time of reporting (held for the purpose of waiting for increase in price to sell for profit). This item may include unsecuritized financial instruments, such as commercial papers, forward contracts, swap contracts ... held for trading purposes. Figures recorded in this item are debit balance of the account 121 - "trading securities".
Provision for decrease in value of trading securities (Code 122)
This item records the provision for decrease in value of trading securities at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item is credit balance of account 2291 " provision for decrease in value of trading securities‖ and is recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
Investments held to maturity (Code 123)
This item records the investments held to maturity with the remaining term within 12 months from the time of reporting, such as term deposits, bonds, commercial papers and other debt securities . This item does not include investments held to maturity presented in the item "cash equivalents", item "receivables for short-term loans". Figures recorded in this item are debit balances accounts 1281, 1282, 1288 (details of amounts with remaining maturity within 12 months which are not classified as cash equivalents).
- Short-term receivables (Code 130)
It is a general item recording the total value of short-term receivables with recovery term within 12 months or within a normal operating cycle at the time of the report (after subtracting the provisions for bad short-term receivables), such as: receivables of customer, prepayments to suppliers, internal receivables, receivables according to the progress of construction contracts, receivables for loans and other short-time receivables. Code 130 = Code 131 + Code 132 + Code 133 + Code 134 + Code 135 + Code 136 + Code 137 + Code 139
Short-term receivables from customers (Code 131)
This item records the amounts receivable from customer with the remaining recovery term within 12 months or within a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item shall be based on the total debit balance of account 131 "receivables from customer " opened for each customer.
Prepayments to sellers in short-term (Code 132)
This item records the amount prepaid to the seller within 12 months or within a normal operating cycle to purchase assets but assets have not been delivered at time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on total amounts arising detailed debts of Account 331 "Payables to suppliers" opened according to each seller.
Short-term intercompany receivables (Code 133)
This item records the receivables between the superior unit and the subordinate unit which has no legal status in dependent cost-accounting and between subordinate units which have no legal status in dependent cost-accounting in payment relationship besides capital allocation relationship, with the remaining recovery term within 12 months, or in a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance accounts 1362, 1363, 1368 in accounting books detailing Account 136. When the superior units prepare combined financial statement with subordinate units in dependent cost-accounting, this item is offset with the item "short-term intercompany payables" in the balance sheet of dependent cost-accounting units.
Receivables according to the progress of construction contracts (Code 134)
This item records the difference between total revenue recorded accumulatively in proportion to the completed work which is greater than the accumulative total amount customer must pay according to the progress of the plan by the end of the reporting period of construction contracts in progress. Figures recorded in this item shall be based on the Debit Balance of account 337 " Payments under the progress of plan of construction contracts"
Short-term loan receivables (Code 135)
This item records the loans (not including the content recorded in the item "Investments held to maturity") which have recovery term within 12 months or in a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such as loans by agreements, contracts between the two parties. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of accounts 1283 - Loans
Other short-term receivables (Code 136)
This item records other receivables with the remaining recovery term within 12 months or within a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such as receivables of expenditures, interest, dividends, advances, pledge, deposit, temporary loan ... that enterprises are entitled to recover within 12 months. Figures recorded in this item are the detailed debit balance of accounts : 1385, TK1388, TK334, TK338, TK 141 TK 244. Figures recorded in this item are the detailed debit balance of accounts : 1385, 1388, 334, 338, 141, 244.
Provision for uncollectible short-term receivables (Code 137)
This item records the provision for uncollectible short-term receivables at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are detailed credit balance in account 2293, "Provision for bad debts", detailed provisions for uncollectible short-term receivable and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
Shortage of assets awaiting resolution (code 139)
This item records the shortage and loss of assets of which reasons are unknown awaiting resolution at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are Debit balance of account 1381- Shortage of assets awaiting resolution
- Inventories (Code 140)
It is a general item recording the total current value of inventories for the production and trading of enterprises (net of provision against devaluation of goods in stock) until the time of reporting. Code 141 = Code 141 + Code 149.
Inventories (Code 141)
This item records the total value of inventories owned by the enterprises, rotated in a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. This item does not include the value of costs of long-term work in progress and the value of equipment, materials, long-term spare parts. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of account 151 - "Goods in transit", account 152 - "Raw materials, materials", account 153 - "tools and instruments" account 154 - "The cost of work in progress", account 155 - "finished products ", account 156 - "Goods", account 157 - "Goods sent for sale", account 158 - " goods in tax-suspension warehouse "
Costs of work in progress beyond a normal operating cycle which do not meet the definition of inventory in accordance with Accounting Standards are not presented in this item but are presented in item "costs of long-term work in progress "- Code 241.
Equipment, supplies, spare parts over 12 months or beyond a normal operating cycle do not meet the definition of inventory under Accounting Standards are not presented in this item but are presented in item " long-term equipment, supplies, spare parts "- Code 263.
Provision against devaluation of goods in stock (149)
This item records the provision for devaluation of goods in stock at the time of reporting, after deduction of provision for devaluation set up for costs of long-term work in progress. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balance of account 2294 "Provision for devaluation of goods in stock", details of provisions for the items are presented as inventory in item code 141 and recorded in negative under the form of parentheses: (...).This item does not include provision for devaluation of costs of long-term work in progress and long term equipment, materials, spare parts.
- Other short-term assets (Code 150)
It is a general item recording the total value of other short-term assets with recovery or use term within 12 months at the time of reporting, such as short-term prepaid expenses, deductible VAT, taxes receivable, purchase and resale of government bonds and other short-term assets at the time of reporting. Code 150 = Code 151 + code 152 + Code 153 + code 154 + code 155.
Short-term prepaid expenses (code 151)
This item records the prepaid amount for the provision of goods or services within 12 months or a normal operating cycle from the time of prepayment. Figures recorded in the item "short-term prepaid expenses" are detailed Debit balance of Account 242 "prepaid expenses".
Deductible VAT (Code 152)
This item records the deductible VAT and refunded VAT by the end of the reporting year. Figures recorded in the item " deductible VAT" are based on the Debit balance of Account 133 " deductible VAT."
Taxes and other revenues to the state (Code 153)
This item records tax and other amounts overpaid to the State at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in the item "Taxes and other revenues to the state" are based on detailed Debit balance of Account 333 "Tax and other payables to the State" on the detailed accounting books of account 333.
Purchase and resale of government bonds (Code 154)
This item records the value of government bonds of the purchaser before the expiration of the contract of resale at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in the item "Purchase and resale of government bonds," are the Debit balance of Account 171 - "purchase and resale of government bonds."
Other short-term assets (Code 155)
This item records the value of short-term assets, such as precious metals, jewels (not classified as inventories), investments held awaiting increase in price to sell for profit are not classified as investment real properties such as paintings, photographs, and other valuable articles. Figures recorded in this item are in the debit balance of account 2288 - "Other Investments‖
b) Long-term assets (Code 200)
This item records the value of assets which are not recorded in the item of short-term assets. Long-term assets are assets with maturity of more than 12 months or at the time of reporting, such as long-term receivable, fixed assets, investment real property, long-term financial investment and long-term assets. Code 200 = Code 210 + Code 220 + Code 230 + Code 240 + Code 250 + Code 260.
- Long-term receivables (Code 210)
It is a general item recording the total value of the receivables with recovery term of more than 12 months or more than a operating and trading cycle at the time of reporting, such as: receivables from customer, business capital in subordinate units, internal receivables, loan receivables, other receivables (net of provision for uncollectible long-term receivables). Code 210 = Code 211 + Code 212 + Code 213 + Code 214 + Code 215 + Code 216 + Code 219.
Long-term receivables from customers (Code 211)
This item records the amounts receivable from customer with the recovery term of more than 12 months or more than one normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this
item shall be based on the details of debit balance of account 131 "receivables from customer " opened for each customer.
Prepayments to suppliers in long-term (Code 212)
This item records the amount prepaid to the seller for more than 12 months or more than one normal operating cycle to purchase assets but assets have not been delivered at time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on total amounts arising detailed debts of Account 331 "Payables to suppliers" opened according to each seller.
Working capital provided to subordinate units (Code 213)
This item only recorded in the balance sheet of superior units records the working capital allocated to subordinate units which have no legal status in dependent cost-accounting. When setting up the general balance sheet total of the whole enterprise, this item is offset with the item "intercompany payables on working capital" (Code 333) or item "Contributions from owners' ( Code 411) in the Balance Sheet of the dependent cost-accounting units, details of the capital received from the superior units. Figures recorded in this item shall be based on the debit balances of account 1361 "Working capital provided to subordinate units".
Long-term intercompany receivables (Code 214)
This item records the receivables between the superior unit and the subordinate unit which has no legal status in dependent cost-accounting and between subordinate units which have no legal status in dependent cost-accounting in payment relationship besides capital allocation relationship, with the remaining recovery term of more than 12 months, or more than a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on the debit balance accounts 1362, 1363, 1368 in accounting books detailing Account 136. When the superior units prepare combined financial statement with subordinate units in dependent cost-accounting, this item is offset with the item "long-term intercompany payables" in the balance sheet of dependent cost-accounting units.
Receivables on long-term loans (Code 215)
This item records the loans by agreements, contracts between two parties (including the content recorded in the item "Investments held to maturity") which have recovery term of more than 12 months at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on the debit balance of accounts 1283 - Loans
Other long-term receivables (Code 216)
This item records other receivables with the remaining recovery term of more than 12 months or more than a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such as receivables of expenditures, interest, dividends, advances, pledge, deposit, loan ... that enterprises are entitled to recover. Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed debit balance of accounts :1385, 1388, 334, 338, 141, 244.Provision for doubtful long-term receivables (Code 219)
This item records the provision for doubtful long-term receivables at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are detailed credit balance in account 2293, "Provision for doubtful debts", detailing provisions for doubtful long-term receivables and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
- Fixed assets ( code 220)
It is a general item recording the net book value (Costs minus the value of accumulated depreciation) of fixed assets at the time of reporting. Code 220 = Code 221+ Code 224 + Code 227.
- Tangible fixed assets (code 221)
It is a general item recording the net book value of tangible fixed assets at the time of reporting. Code 221 = Code 221+ Code 223.
Costs (Code 222)
This item records the total costs of tangible fixed assets at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of Account 211 "tangible fixed assets".
Value of accumulated depreciation (Code 223)
This item records the total depreciation value of tangible fixed assets accumulated at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balances of account 2141 " depreciation of tangible fixed assets‖ and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
- Finance lease fixed asset (Code 224)
It is a general item recording the total net book value of finance lease fixed assets at the time of reporting. Code 224 = Code 225+ Code 226.
Costs (Code 225)
This item records the total costs of finance lease fixed assets at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of Account 212 " Finance lease fixed assets".
Value of accumulated depreciation (Code 226)
This item records the total depreciation value of finance lease fixed assets accumulated at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balances of account 2142 " depreciation of finance lease fixed assets‖ and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
- Intangible fixed assets (code 227)
It is a general item recording the total net book value of intangible fixed assets at the time of reporting. Code 227 = Code 228+ Code 229.
Costs (Code 228)
This item records the total costs of intangible fixed assets at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of Account 213 "intangible fixed assets".
Value of accumulated depreciation (Code 229)
This item records the total depreciation value of intangible fixed assets accumulated at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balances of account 2143 " depreciation of intangible fixed assets‖ and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...). Investment real property (Code 230)
It is a general item recording the total net book value of investment real property at the time of reporting. Code 230 = Code 231+ Code 232.
Costs (Code 231)
This item records the total cost of investment real property at the time of reporting after deduction of losses due to devaluation of investment real property held for increase in price. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of Account 217 " Investment real property".
Value of accumulated depreciation (Code 232)
This item records the total depreciation value of investment real property used for lease at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balances of account 2147 " depreciation of investment real property‖ and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
Long-term unfinished assets (Code 240)
It is a general item recording the value of cost of long-term work in progress and cost of long-term construction in progress at the time of reporting. Code 240 = Code 241 + Code 242.
Cost of long-term work in progress ( Code 241)
Costs of long-term works in progress are expected costs to produce inventory but production is delayed, interrupted or temporarily suspended for more than one normal operating cycle of the enterprises at the time of reporting. This item is often used to present projects in progress of investors of real properties for sale which have slow commencement, slow progress.
This item records the net realizable value (cost price minuses the provision for devaluation set up for this amount ) of the cost of work in progress for more than one operating cycle, which do meet the definition of inventory according to accounting standards. Figures recorded in this item
are based on the debit balance of account 154 - " work in progress" and the credit balance of account 2294 - "Provision against devaluation of goods in stock ".
Cost of construction in progress (Code 242)
This item records the total value of fixed assets that are being purchased, the cost of capital investment, the costs of great repair of fixed assets in progress or completed but not yet transferred or put in use. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of Account Debit 241 "Construction in progress"
- Long-term financial investments (Code 250)
It is a general indicator recording the total value of long-term financial investments at the time of reporting (after deducting provision for investment losses in other units), such as: Investments in subsidiaries, Investments in associates and joint ventures, investments in other units, investments held to maturity with remaining maturity of more than 12 months or more than one operating cycle. Code 250 = Code 251 + Code 252 + Code 253 + Code 254 + Code 255.
Investments in subsidiaries (Code 251)
This item records the value of investments in subsidiaries and subordinate units which have legal status in independent accounting which is essential subsidiaries (irrespective of the name or form of unit ) at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the debit balance of Account 221 "Investments in subsidiaries".
Investments in associated companies and joint-ventures (Code 252)
This item records the value of investments in associated companies and joint ventures at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the total debit balance of Account 222 "Investments in associated companies and joint ventures".
Investments in other units (Code 253)
This item records the investments in owner‘s equity of other units, but enterprises have no rights in control, joint control, significant influence (other than investments in subsidiaries, associated companies, joint ventures). Figures presented in this item are the debit balance of account 2281 - "Investments in other units."
Provisions for long-term financial investments (Code 254)
This item records the provision for investment losses in other units because invested units suffer losses and investors may loss their capital at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balance of account 2292 "Provision for investment losses in other units" and are recorded in negative number under the form of parentheses (...).
Investments held to maturity (Code 255)
This item records the investments held to maturity with the remaining term of more than 12 months from the time of reporting, such as term deposits, bonds, commercial papers and other debt securities. This item does not include loans recorded in item "receivables on long-term loans". Figures recorded in this item are debit balances of accounts 1281, 1282, 1288.
- Other long-term assets (Code 260)
It is a general item recording the total value of other long-term assets with maturity of more than 12 months at the time of reporting, such as long-term prepaid expenses, deferred income tax assets and long-term assets which are not presented in other items at the time of reporting. Code 260 = Code 261 + Code 262 + Code 268.
Long-term prepaid expenses (code 261)
This item records the amount prepaid for the provision of goods and services with a term of more than 12 months or more than one normal operating cycle since the time of prepayment; Goodwill and business advantage unallocated to expense at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in item "long-term prepaid expenses" are the Debit balance of Account 242 "prepaid expenses". Enterprises do not reclassify long-term prepaid expenses as short-term prepaid expenses.
Deferred income tax assets (Code 262)
This item records the value of deferred income tax assets at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in item "deferred income tax assets " are based on the Debit balance of Account 243 " Deferred income tax assets ".
If the taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences are related to the same taxpayer and are settled at the same tax authority, deferred tax payable is offset to deferred tax assets. In this case, the item "Deferred income tax assets" records the difference between the deferred income tax assets which is greater than the deferred income tax payable.
Long term equipment, supplies and spare parts (Code 263)
This item records the net value (after deducting provision for devaluation) of equipment, materials and spare parts used for storage, replacement, preventing damage of assets but are not qualify for classification as fixed assets and are not classified as inventory due to having storage time of more than 12 months, or more than one normal operating cycle. Figures recorded in this item are based on detailed balance of account 1534 - "equipment, spare parts" (details of parts and equipment replacement stored for long-term) and detailed credit balance of account 2294 - "Provision for devaluation of inventories".
Other long-term assets (Code 268)
This item records the value of long-term assets other than the long-term assets mentioned above, such as valuable articles for display, museum, traditional introduction, history ... which are not
classified as fixed assets and are not intended for sale within 12 months from the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on detailed balance of account 2288.
c) Total assets (Code 270)
It is a general indicator recording the total value of current assets of enterprises at the time of reporting, including short-term assets and long-term assets.
Code 270 = Code 100 + Code 200.
d) Liabilities (Code 300)
It is a general item recording the total liabilities at the time of reporting, including short-term debt and long-term debt. Code 300 = Code 310 + Code 330.
e) Short-term debt (Code 310)
It is a general item recording the total value of the debts payable with payment term of within 12 months or less than one normal operating, such as loans and short-term finance lease liabilities or supplier payables, taxes and payables to the State and employees, payable costs, inter-company payables, unearned revenue, provisions payable... at the time of reporting. Code 310 = Code 311 + Code 312 + Code 313 + Code 314 + Code 315 + Code 316 + Code 317 + Code 318 + Code 319 + Code 320 + Code 321 + Code 322 + Code 323 + Code 324.
Short-term supplier payables (Code 311)
This item records the amount payable to the seller with payment term of within 12 months or within one operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on the credit balance of account 331 "supplier payable‖ open in detail for each seller.
Short-term deferred revenues (Code 312)
This item records the amount advanced by the purchaser to buy products, goods, services, fixed assets, investment real property and enterprises must provide services within 12 months or within one normal operating cycle at the time of the report (not including the revenue received in advance). Figures recorded in this item are based on the arising credit amount in detail of account 131 "receivables from customers " opened in details for each customer.
Taxes and other payables to State (Code 313)
This item records the total amounts that enterprises must pay to the State at the time of reporting, including taxes, fees, charges and other payables. Figures recorded in this item are based on detailed credit balance of account 333 "Tax and other payables to the State".
Payables to employees (Code 314)
This item records the amounts that enterprises must pay to employees at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on the credit balance of account 334 "Payables to employees".
Short-term expenses payable (code 315)
This item records the value of debts payable due to receipt of goods and services without invoice or expenses of the reporting period which have not had sufficient records and documents but shall definitely arise must be calculated into the cost of production, business and shall be paid within 12 months or within the next one normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such as vacation pay accruals, interest payable ... Figures recorded in this item are based on detailed credit balance of account 335 "Accrued expenses".
Short-term intercompany payables (Code 316)
This item records the intercompany payables with the remaining recovery term within 12 months, or in a normal operating cycle at the time of reporting ( besides payable to business capital) between the superior unit and the subordinate unit which has no legal status in dependent cost-accounting and between subordinate units in an enterprise. Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed credit balance accounts 1362, 1363, 1368. When the superior units prepare combined financial statement with subordinate units in dependent cost-accounting, this item is offset with the item "short-term intercompany receivables" in the balance sheet of dependent cost-accounting units.
Payables according to the progress of construction contracts (Code 317)
This item records the difference between total cumulative amount customers must pay according to the progress which is greater than the recorded accumulative revenue in proportion to the completed work by the end of the reporting period of construction contracts in progress. Figures recorded in this item shall be based on the credit Balance of account 337 " Payments under the progress of plan of construction contracts"
Short-term unearned revenue (Code 318)
This item records the unearned revenues corresponding to the obligations which enterprises shall fulfill within the next 12 months or one normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are detailed credit balance of account 3387 - "Unearned revenue".
Other short-term payables (Code 319)
This item records other payables with payment term of within 12 months or within one operating cycle at the time of the report, in addition to the liabilities recorded in other items, such as the value of assets detected surplus of unknown cause, payables to social insurance agencies, trade union fee, amounts received from short-term deposits... Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed Credit balance of accounts: 338, 138, 344
Short-term loans and finance lease liabilities (Code 320)
This item records the total value of amounts that enterprises borrow and owe to banks, institutions, finance companies and other entities with maturities of within 12 months at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed credit balance of accounts 341 and 34311 (details of payments which due in the next 12 months)
Provision for short term payables (Code 321)
This item records the provision for amounts expected to be paid within 12 months, or within one next normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such as provisions for warranty for products, goods, construction, provisions for restructuring, accrued expense for periodic repair of fixed assets, costs for environmental reconstitution... The provisions payable are often estimated which are not sure about the right time of payment, value payable and enterprises have not received goods and services from suppliers. Figures recorded in this item are based on the credit balance of account 352 "Provisions payable".
Bonus and bonus and welfare fund ( Code 322)
This item records bonus funds, bonus and welfare funds, reward fund of the executive management board unused at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the credit balance of account 353 "Bonus and bonus and welfare funds".
Price stabilization fund ( Code 323)
This item records the value of current price stabilization Fund at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of account 357 - Price Stabilization Fund.
Purchase and resale of government bonds (Code 324)
This item records the value of government bonds of the purchaser before the expiration of the contract of resale at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in the item are the Credit balance of Account 171 - "purchase and resale of government bonds."
g) Long-term liabilities (Code 330)
It is a general item recording the total value of long-term debt of enterprises including debt with the remaining payment term of 12 months or one normal operating cycle or more at the time of reporting, such as: payables to suppliers, internal payables and other long-term liabilities, long-term loans and finance lease liabilities... at the time of reporting. Code 330 = Code 331 + Code 332 + Code 333 + Code 334 + Code 335 + Code 336 + Code 337 + Code 338 + Code 339 + Code 340 + Code 341 + Code 342 + Code 343.
Long-term supplier payables (Code 331)
This item records the amount payable to the seller with payment term of more than 12 months or more than one operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are based on the Credit balance of account 331 "supplier payables‖ opened in detail for each seller.
Long-term deferred revenues (Code 332)
This item records the amount advanced by the purchaser to buy products, goods, services, fixed assets, investment real property and enterprises must provide services for more than 12 months or more than one normal operating cycle at the time of the report (not including the revenue received in advance). Figures recorded in this item are based on the credit arising amount in detail of account 131 "receivables from customers " opened in details for each customer.
Long-term expenses payable (code 333)
This item records the value of debts payable due to receipt of goods and services without invoice or expenses of the reporting period which have not had sufficient records and documents but shall be definitely arisen must be calculated into the cost of production, business and shall be paid after 12 months or after the next one normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such interest payable of reporting period which is paid at the maturity of the long –term loan contract. Figures recorded in this item are based on detailed credit balance of account 335 "Accrued expenses".
Intercompany payables on working capital (Code 334)
Depending on the operating characteristics and management models of each unit, enterprises decentralize and prescribe dependent cost-accounting units to record capital allocated in this item or item "Contributions of owners " Code 411 by enterprises.
Items are only recorded in the balance Sheet of subordinate units without legal status in dependent accounting, recording the amounts that subordinate units must pay to their superior units the working capital.
Figures recorded in this item shall be based on the credit balances of account 3361 "Intercompany payables on working capital ". When superior units set up the general balance sheet total of the whole enterprise, this item is offset with the item " working capital provided to subordinate units‖ in the Balance sheet of superior units.
Long-term intercompany payables (Code 335)
This item records the intercompany payables with the remaining payment term of more than 12 months, or more than one normal operating cycle at the time of reporting (besides payable on working capital) between the superior unit and the subordinate unit which has no legal status in dependent cost-accounting and between subordinate units in an enterprise. Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed credit balance accounts 3362, 3363, 3368. When the superior units prepare combined financial statement with subordinate units in dependent cost-accounting,
this item is offset with the item "long-term intercompany receivables" in the balance sheet of dependent cost-accounting units.
Long-term unearned revenue (Code 336)
This item records the unearned revenues corresponding to the obligations which enterprises shall fulfill after 12 months or after the next one normal operating cycle at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are detailed credit balance of account 3387 - "Unearned revenue".
Other long-term payables (Code 337)
This item records other payables with payment term of more than 12 months or more than one operating cycle at the time of the report, in addition to the liabilities recorded in other items, such as: long-term deposits, long-term loans, differences between the deferred, installment sale price committed and long-term price in cash... Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed Credit balance of accounts: 338, 344
Long-term loans and finance lease liabilities (Code 338)
This item records amounts that enterprises borrow and owe to banks, institutions, finance companies and other entities with maturities of more than 12 months at the time of reporting such as: Loans from banks, payables on finance lease fixed assets, sum received from normal bond issuance.. Figures recorded in this item are detailed Credit balance of accounts 341 and results of the credit balance of account 34311 subtracting (-) the Debit balance of account 34312 adding (+) the Credit balance of Account 34313
Convertible bonds ( Code 339)
This item records the value of principals of convertible bonds issued by the enterprises at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are detailed Credit balance of account 3432 - "Convertible Bonds".
preference shares (Code 340)
This item records the value of preference shares under par value which require the issuer to repurchase at an indentified time in the future. Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed Credit balance of accounts 41112 - Preference shares (details of type of preference shares classified as liabilities).
Deferred income tax (Code 341)
This item records the deferred enterprise income tax payable at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item shall be the Credit balance of account 347 " Deferred income taxes payable".
If the taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences are related to the same taxpayer and are settled at the same tax authority, deferred income tax payable is offset to deferred tax assets. In this case, the item "Deferred income tax assets" records the difference between the deferred income tax payable greater than the deferred tax assets.
Provision for long term payables (Code 342)
This item records the provision for amounts expected to be paid after 12 months, or after one next normal operating cycle at the time of reporting, such as provisions for warranty for products, goods, construction, provisions for restructuring, accrued expense for periodic repair of fixed assets, accrued expense for environmental reconstitution... The provisions payable are often estimated which are not sure about the right time of payment, value payable and enterprises have not received goods and services from suppliers. Figures recorded in this item are based on the credit balance of account 352 "Provisions payable".
Scientific and technological development fund (Code 343)
This item records the unspent scientific and technological development fund at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are in the Credit balance of Account 356 "scientific and technological development fund."
h) Owner’s equity (Code 400 = Code 410 + Code 430)
- Owner’s equity (Code 410)
It is a general item recording the working capital owned by shareholders, members, such as investment capital of owners, funds deducted from post-tax profits and undistributed post-tax profits, differences upon asset revaluation, exchange rate differences ...
Code 410 = Code 411 + Code 412 + Code 413 + Code 414 + Code 415 + Code 416 + Code 417 + Code 418 + Code 419 + Code 420 + Code 421 + Code 422.
- Contributions from owners (Code 411)
This item records the total capital actually contributed by owners in enterprises (for joint-stock companies, contributions of shareholders at par value of shares are recorded) at the time of reporting. In dependent cost-accounting units, this item may record the capital allocated if enterprises prescribe dependent cost-accounting units for recording in Account 411. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of account 411 "Contributions from owners". For joint stock companies, Code 411 = Code 411a + Code 411b
Ordinary shares with voting rights (No. 411a)
This item is only used in joint-stock companies, recording the par value of ordinary shares with voting rights. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 41111 - Ordinary shares with voting rights.
Preference shares (Code 411b)
This item records the value of preference shares under par value which the issuer is not obliged to repurchase. Figures recorded in this item are based on the detailed Credit balance of accounts 41112 - Preference shares (details of type of preference shares classified as owner‘s equity).
- Share premium (Code 412)
This item records the share premium at the time of reporting of joint-stock companies. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of account 4112 "Share premium". If account 4112 has Debit balance, this item is written in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
- Conversion options on bond ( Code 413)
This item records the value of capital component of convertible bonds issued by enterprises at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are detailed Credit balance of account 4113 - "Conversion options on bonds".
- Other capital of owners (Code 414)
This item records the value of other capital of owners at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of account 4118 – ―Other capital‖.
- Treasury shares ( Code 415)
This item records the value of current treasury shares at the time of reporting of joint-stock companies. Figures recorded in this item are the Debit balance of account 419 " Treasury share are written in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
- Differences upon asset revaluation (Code 416)
This item records the total differences upon asset revaluation recorded directly in current owner‘s equity at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of the account 412 "Differences upon asset revaluation ". If account 412 has the Debit balance, the item is recorded in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
- Exchange differences (Code 417)
This item records the exchange differences arising in the period prior to operation of enterprises of which 100% charter capital is held by the State performing the tasks of security, national defense, macroeconomic stability which are handled at the time of reporting.
Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 413 "exchange rate differences". If account 413 has the Debit balance, this item shall be recorded in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
In case foreign currencies are used as currency unit in accounting, this item records the difference exchange rate due to conversion from financial statements prepared in foreign currencies into Vietnam dong.
- Development investment funds (Code 418)
This item records the unspent development investment funds at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are in the Credit balance of Account 414 "development investment funds."
- Enterprise reorganization assistance fund (Code 419)
This item records the unspent enterprise reorganization assistance fund at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 417 - "Enterprise reorganization assistance fund."
- Other equity fund (Code 420)
This item records the other equity funds of enterprises set up from current undistributed post-tax profits at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 418 "Other equity funds".
- Undistributed post-tax profits (Code 421)
This item records the profit (or loss) after tax unsettled or undistributed at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 421 "Undistributed post-tax profits." If account 421 has Debit balance, the figures in this item are written in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...). Code 421 = Code 421a + Code 421b
Undistributed post-tax profits accumulated by the end of the previous period (Code 421a)
This item records the profit (or loss) unsettled or undistributed accumulated by the end of the previous period (beginning of the reporting period).
Figures recorded in the item "undistributed post-tax profits accumulated by the end of the previous period" on the Balance Sheet are the Credit balance of account 4211 "undistributed post-tax profits of previous year" are plus the Credit balance of Account 4212 "undistributed post-tax profits of current year," detailing the cumulative profit from the beginning of the year to the beginning of the reporting period. If accounts 4211, 4212 have the Debit balance, figures in this item shall be recorded in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
Figures recorded in the item ―undistributed post-tax profits by the end of previous period‖ on the annual Balance sheet are the Credit balance of Account 4211 "Undistributed post-tax profits of previous year." If accounts 4211, 4212 have Debit balance, the figures in this item are written in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
Undistributed post-tax profits of current period (Code 421b)
This item records the profit (or loss) unsettled or undistributed accumulated arising in the reporting period.
Figures recorded in the item "undistributed post-tax profits of current period" on the quarterly Balance Sheet are the Credit balance of account 4212 "undistributed post-tax profits of current year", detailing the profit arising in reporting quarter. In case account 4212 has the Debit balance, figures in this item are written in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
Figures recorded in the item "undistributed post-tax profits of current period" on the annual balance Sheet are the Credit balance of account 4212 "undistributed post-tax profits of current year" In case account 4212 has the Debit balance, figures in this item are written in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
- Capital expenditure fund ( Code 422)
This item records the total current capital expenditure fund at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 441 "Capital expenditure fund".
Funding and other funds ( Code 430)
It is a general item recording the total non-business and project funding allocated to non-business activities, projects (after deducting non-business, project expenditures); Funding that forms fixed assets at the time of reporting. Code 430 = Code 431 + Code 432.
Funding (Code 431)
This item records the non-business, project funding allocated but unused, or non-business, project expenditures greater than non-business, project findings. Figures recorded in this item are the differences between the Credit balance of Account 461 "Non-business funds‖ and the Debit balance of account 161 "Non-business expenditures". In case the Debit balance of account 161 is greater than the Credit balance of Account 461, this item is recorded in negative numbers under the form of parentheses (...).
Funds that form fixed assets (Code 432)
This item records the total current funds that forms fixed assets at the time of reporting. Figures recorded in this item are the Credit balance of Account 466 "Funds that form fixed assets".
k) Total capital (Code 440)
It records the total capitals that are used for asset acquisition of enterprises at the time of reporting. Code 440 = Code 300 + Code 400.
Item ― total assets‖
Code 270‖
Item ― Total capital
Code 440‖
2. Preparation and presentation of the balance sheet of enterprises which do not meet the assumption of continuous operation (Form B 01 / CDHDD - DNKLT)
Presentation in the Balance sheet of enterprises which Table do not meet the assumption of continuous operation is made the same with the balance sheets of enterprises which are operating except a number of adjustments:
Short-term and long-term shall not be distinguished: The items set are not based on the remaining period from the reporting date which is over 12 months or within 12 months or more than one normal operating cycle or within one normal operating cycle;
(b) Items of provisions for assets, liabilities revalued under net realizable value, recoverable value or fair value shall not be presented;
Some items have setting method which is different from the Balance sheet of enterprises which are operating continuously as follows:
a) Item "trading securities" (Code 121)
This item records the book value of trading securities after revaluation. Enterprises shall not present the item "provisions for devaluation of trading securities" because the provisions for devaluation are recorded directly a decrease in the book value of trading securities.
b) Items relating to investments in subsidiaries, associated companies and joint ventures, investments in other units are recorded in the book value after revaluation of investments above. Enterprises shall not present the item "Provision for long-term financial investments" because the provisions are recorded a decrease directly in the book value of the investments.
c) Items relating to receivables are recorded under the book value after revaluation of receivables. Enterprises shall not present the item "Provision for doubtful receivables" because the provisions are recorded a decrease directly in the book value of receivables.
d) Item "Inventories" (Code 140):
This item records the book value of inventories after revaluation. Figures in this item include costs of work in progress and equipment, materials and spare parts classified as long-term on the Balance Sheet of enterprises which are operating continuously . Enterprises shall not present the item "provision against devaluation of goods in stock " because the provisions for devaluation are recorded a decrease directly in the book value of inventory.
e) Items relating to tangible assets, intangible assets, finance lease assets, investment real properties are recorded at book value after revaluation of such assets . Enterprises shall not present the item "Cost" because the book value is revalued price, shall not present the item "accumulated depreciation " because the depreciation has been recorded a decrease directly in the book value of assets.
Other items are set and presented by combining contents and figures of corresponding in the long-term and short-term parts of enterprises which are operating continuously.
Source: Circular 200, article 112
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